Turquía - Anti-union discrimination (2013)

In March 2013, the courts found that four DHL workers had been dismissed because of their trade union activities. DHL has also been accused of actively supporting unions which are more favourable to management in order to undermine existing independent unions.

By January 2013, the Tekgida-Is union had recruited a significant number of workers at the East Balt company, the key supplier to McDonald’s restaurants, as trade union members. When Tekgida-Is applied to the Labour Ministry for a bargaining certificate in January 2013, management started to dismiss union members. Only after the union threatened to place pickets in front of McDonald’s restaurants did management reinstate the dismissed trade union members.

Four trade union members were dismissed from their positions at ISMACO because of their trade union membership. Management said that it does not want union representation. The Deri-Is union has been picketing against this decision since December 2012.

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