Eswatini - General Notice not implemented (2013)

The Government issued a General Notice in May 2013 stipulating that pending the amendment of the Industrial Relation Act (2000) that would allow for the registration of TUCOSWA, the social partners would “work together in order to promote harmonious labour relations and ensure a conducive environment for investment and socio-economic development of the country through decent work and recognition of fundamental principles and rights at work”. As a result, tripartite structures of the country were reinitiated. However, outside of the tripartite meetings, TUCOSWA’s activities and programs were continuously disrupted on the basis that the federation was not registered. Therefore, TUCOSWA requested the Government take a clear position on its status and its rights on 23 January 2014 during a Labour Advisory Board meeting. When the Government failed to respond by March 2014, TUCOSWA withdrew its participation from tripartite structures pending its registration.

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