Corea, República de - 12,000 railway workers on trial – 6.99 million won awarded against union (2012)

In January 2011, a hearing on disciplinary measures against over 12,000 workers of Korail began in the Central Labour Relation Committee. In 2009, the workers went on strike over the unilateral termination of collective bargaining. According to the union, the strike complied with the legal procedures required to stage a strike. However, the government called the strike illegal and during the strike arrest warrants were issued for 15 trade union officials. The trade union’s office was seized for investigation by police. Later 169 trade union officials were dismissed, and over 12,000 union members who participated in the industrial action faced disciplinary measures.

In March, the Supreme Court ordered the railway union to pay 6.99 billion won (Euro 4.75 million) in compensation for losses caused by an earlier protracted walkout in 2006. This figure is the largest ever compensation for losses from a strike. 400 strikers were arrested at the time.

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