Turquía - Anti-union discrimination (2013)

Petrol-ls organised a considerable number of workers at TransAtlantic Petroleum Ltd company and Viking Services BS company, a company operating in the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe in the fields of petroleum and gas exploration and production. As soon as management became aware of the organising efforts 24 trade unionists were dismissed and six trade unionists were transferred to oilfields in Northern Iraq. Moreover, the company uses intimidation, assaults and threats to deter trade unionists. Petrol-ls has brought the case to court and stages pickets outside the plant.

The company Pakpen dismissed eleven Petrol-Is members when it learned about the organising campaign of the union. Petrol-Is has filed a case at the labour court and is negotiating with management.

The company Plaskar , based in Bursa, dismissed 45 workers organised by Petrol-Is in May 2012 and threatened workers with further dismissals.

Local management of the Demo Plastik company dismissed ten trade unionists when it heard of the union organising in 2012.

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