Israel - Anti-union discrimination and refusal to bargain

Workers employed by McDonald’s regularly face anti-union discrimination: working hours of workers who participated in strikes were cut and workers involved in strikes were suspended. Management disclosed confidential medical information of an active employees’ committee member to about 4,000 people. One manager who had organised other managers into the union was transferred to a distant branch. His working hours were decreased and several attempts were undertaken in order to dismiss him. A worker, who had participated in a strike in her branch, found out, through a news report on TV, that a complaint was filed against her to the police. She was questioned for several hours and was banned from coming near her workplace. After long negotiations with Histadrut, the CEO of McDonald’s Israel refused to sign a collective agreement on 22 April 2014. Since then the company is refusing to engage in further negotiations.

Workers also face discrimination based on their union membership with respect to promotions. The company Dr Gav responded to a unionising effort by raising the bar for bonuses for those workers who were active union members and who as a result earned lower wages. Since December 2014, the company is refusing to bargain with union representatives.

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