Kazajstán - Authorities monitor the President of the Confederation of Independent Trade Union of the CNTUK during her trade union activity

In March 2016, Larisa Kharkova, the president of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CNTUK), has denounced the fact that she faced surveillance by Kazakh authorities even during a work trip in Aktau in the western part of the country. She reported that the authorities followed her activity day and night, especially during the meetings she had with local trade unionists during which she was also photographed by the security agents standing close by. This surveillance is in line with the harsh anti-union climate that has been spreading in the country since a controversial trade union law was introduced in 2014. Therefore, it is clear that the Kazakh Government intends to undermine freedom of association and create a climate of hostility in which it is very difficult for trade unions and their affiliates to carry on their activities and freely advocate for workers’ rights.

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