Corea, República de - Department store workers reinstated after strike (2012)

On 31 October 2010, around 11 workers at the Daejeon Lotte Department store had their contracts terminated after they formed a trade union. Most had been employed at the shop for over ten years. Management initially refused to negotiate with the workers. In response, they camped outside the store in protest despite the wintry conditions. On 29 December 2010, they held a demonstration and press conference. The substandard working conditions of the workers were highlighted in the press conference along with the fact that some workers were being made to clean the houses of rich customers. The department store finally agreed to enter negotiations in early February and an agreement was reached. Under the agreement, six of the 11 workers will be reinstated and the other five workers will get a job in another company. The jobs of the five workers are to be guaranteed by the minister of labour.

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