China - Early morning raid and mass arrests of student activists supporting the Jasic workers

More than 50 student activists, who were supporting workers dismissed for trying to set up a trade union at Jasic Technology in Shenzhen, were detained in an early morning police raid on their rented accommodation in the nearby city of Huizhou on 24 August 2018.
Those detained included Lan Zhiwei, Yu Kailong and Yu Weiye, three workers who had been released on bail from an earlier mass arrest, as well as student activists Yue Xin, Zhan Zhenzhen and Feng Ge from Beijing University, and several other students from Renmin University and Nanjing University.
Two workers’ representatives and Gu Jiayue, a student who had approached the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and All-China Women’s Federation about the Jasic workers’ case, were also reported to have been arrested.
After being detained, the students were released separately. Their phones and computers were seized and they were told they would be placed under surveillance.

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