Jordania - Garment workers beaten for striking (2012)

On 20 August, a strike of 350 workers began in the Chinese owned International Business Garments Manufacturing Company Ltd (IBGM) factory sparked by a case of physical abuse. IBGM is a subcontract supplier to the Classic Fashion Company as well as other factories. The factory reportedly asks workers to do 11 ½ hour shifts and forces additional unpaid overtime if a daily quota of garments is not reached. Workers are threatened if their quota is not reached and sick leave is fined. Reports also emerged of a Jordanian manager punishing male workers by burning their hands. An earlier strike, in May, over food deductions ended after management agreed not to continue illegally deducting money for meals. However, after the workers returned to work the practice continued.

Once the August strike began managers reportedly tried to drag the workers back into the factory. The IBGM management also posted the pictures of 12 male worker leaders who were to be fired and forcibly deported for their role in the dispute. At least seven striking workers, including four women, had been attacked and injured by IBGM managers. Prior to the strike, workers had filed complaints at the local labour office and with management.

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