Irán, República Islámica del - Hundreds of truck drivers detained during strike

In September and October 2018, nationwide strikes by truck drivers took place to protest low wages, poor living standards and the employer’s failure to pay wages for several months. Over 250 workers were arrested and detained during the strikes in 19 different provinces in a serious violation of the international labour standards protecting the right to strike. Numerous statements were then made by members of the judiciary calling for the strikers to receive harsh punishments and, in some cases, be condemned to death. Iran’s prosecutor general, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, reportedly stated on 27 September that the strikers should be considered criminals and face the death penalty due to the threat that they pose to national security. In Zarand, Prosecutor-General Mehdi Qawidel reportedly described the detainees as “opportunists and profiteers” whose strike was a “provocation by hostile foreign governments”. Qawidel further stated they should be treated as criminals who deserve to be hanged. On 8 October, a court in Qazvin province reportedly recommended death sentences for 17 of those who took action. It is understood that over 260 drivers are still in detention.

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