Turquía - ILO mission not received by Minister of Labour (2011)

An ILO high-level bipartite mission, consisting of the Employers’ and Workers’ spokespersons of the International Labour Conference Committee on the Application of Standards, Mr Ed Potter and Mr Luc Cortebeeck, as well as other ILO officials and the Director of the ILO Office in Ankara, visited Turkey between 3 and 5 March 2010. The mission took place following the conclusions of the Committee in June 2009, when the Government was requested to accept a high-level bipartite mission with the aim of assisting it in making meaningful progress on long outstanding issues raised by the ILO supervisory bodies with regard to the application of ILO Convention 87. There had already been an earlier high-level ILO mission to Turkey in April 2008.

While in Ankara, the mission met with representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, trade unions, the employers’ association and the chairperson of the Parliamentary Health, Family, Labour and Social Affairs Commission. It did not get an opportunity, however, to meet with the Minister of Labour and Social Security and the Minister of State, as well as with other high-level personalities of the Republic, which it thoroughly regretted. The mission welcomed the tripartite consensus that any future legislation on trade union rights should be fully in compliance with Conventions Nos. 87 and 98. It also emphasised that ultimately it is for the Government to ensure compliance with its international obligations.

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