Ucrania - Labour laws disregarded (2011)

The Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) notes that trade union rights are repeatedly violated. FPU has recorded 76 unique cases in 59 companies where the management did not comply with the Law on Trade Unions. FPU has also witnessed a growing range of measures and sanctions imposed when trying to join or establish a union or when carrying out union activities.

The Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) also reports numerous cases of pressure against trade union members, elimination of trade unions, low efficiency when turning to the courts or law enforcement bodies for protection, and poor enforcement of court decisions. They additionally note that employers resist the establishment of new trade unions, ignore local trade unions, refuse to collect membership dues (use of check-off system).

Both FPU and KVPU suffer from anti-union discrimination, interference by the public authorities in their trade union activities, and from employers ignoring the right to organise and to bargain collectively.

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