Dominica - Public workers under threat of victimisation for political affiliation

In October 2019, five public servants stormed the offices of their union worried about possible victimisation due to their political affiliation.

The general secretary of the Dominica Public Service Union, Thomas Letang, noted that this is a worrying trend. In an interview he claimed that public officers were afraid of participating in activities called by the union.

His comments come on the heels of statements by opposition leader Lennox Linton, who said public officers who may be victimised for standing up against corruption will be reinstated.

Letang strongly believes that public officers are free to attend rallies; however, they must avoid going on platforms to make political statements.

“You are free to attend any rally,” Letang stated. “That is your right as the citizen of the country.”

To address this issue, Letang said educating the public officers is key. “We have to keep on educating them, we have to get to the workplaces, we have to meet them on a one-on-one and talk to them, we have to have workshops so we can explain to them what their rights are, go in detail on the section of the constitution that deals with the rights of citizens, freedom of expression….” he urged.

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