Kuwait - Strikes occur despite restrictions (2010)

Strikes are rare, not least because they are only allowed in the private sector, which is not organised, is very small and is mostly composed of foreigners whose stay in the country could be compromised. However, despite the ban strikes do occur. For example, workers at the Shuwaikh, Shuaiba and Doha ports went on strike in March 2009 over low pay and other working conditions. The strike occured after years of failed negotiations.

In October, airport workers went on strike over allowance (the majority of Kuwaiti employees receive allowances as part of their salary packages) however, employees from the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) claimed they were not receiving any allowances and formed a union to better protect their rights. In the autumn, having received no response regarding staff allowances from management, they began discussing strike action. A previous 2007 work stoppage by employees led to a resolution being passed which bans strikes at various sensitive places including the airport.

In response to the strikes, there have been calls for the government to remove the ban on collective bargaining in the public sector.

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