Jordania - Teachers’ union finally established (2012)

Teachers followed up their protests of March and April 2010 with a week-long strike in late March 2011 demanding that they be able to form a teachers’ professional association with mandatory membership. They demanded financial and administrative autonomy and the right of teachers who are members of the association to demand improved wages. Jordan’s Higher Council for the Interpretation of the Constitution ruled in favour of establishing the syndicate on 28 March, revoking a 1994 decision that considered such an organisation unconstitutional. The draft law to establish the teachers’ professional association was passed by the Lower House on 24 July and allows membership in the union for all teachers working for the education ministry, along with administrators, technicians and engineers.

In February, professors at Jordanian universities began to discuss establishing their own professional association - ’The Institutional Committee for a University Professors’ Professional Association’.

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