Jordania - Textile worker strike deemed «illegal» (2011)

In May over 400 migrant workers at the “Rainbow” Textile and Garment Factory went on strike over poor working conditions, including poor food and water. The General Trade Union of Workers in Textile Industries stated that the workers had been complaining for months but nothing had been done. Workers reportedly faced verbal abuse and threats from management as well as unsafe working conditions. According to the union, factory management had not taken any steps to improve the situation.

Management stated that it considered the strike illegal and that it was caused by individuals who sought to cause disturbances inside the factory “for the benefit of outside entities”, in a reference to the support of the General Trade Union of Workers in Textile Industries. It also stated that it would take legal measures against the workers who went on strike and that it would consider their refusal to work “illegal, and “contributing to financial losses for the factory".

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