Ucrania - The Public Joint “Marganets Mining and Processing Plant” (PJ ‘MMPP’) threatens unionised workers and pressure them to resign

Mr. Lobas, the head of the plant union of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NPGU) at Public Joint “Marganets Mining and Processing Plant” (MMPP) in the Dnipropetrovsk region, reported violations committed by management, who harassed and threatened union members.

Mr. Lobas received four complaints from union members denouncing the discriminatory and intimidating behaviour of MMPP management against trade union activists. In particular, workers were threatened with reprimands, dismissal and financial punishments (reduction of labour participation co-efficient, warning coupons, fines, etc.). The management warned workers that the threats would escalate if they did not resign from the union and join a yellow union instead, and circulated blank forms among unionised workers pressuring them to withdraw from the NPGU trade union. It is clear that such behaviour has the aim of discouraging the presence of an independent union that can negotiate effectively for workers’ interests.

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