Indonesia - Unequal treatment of unions

The KSPI-CITU and the KSBSI both report unequal and unfair treatment of certain unions as compared to others.

The KSPI-CITU has observed that representative unions will be excluded from collective bargaining negotiations and meetings if the union’s claims do not align with the employer’s position. In some cases, another union that is seeking lesser terms and conditions will be invited in its place.

The KSBSI reports that the Pesawran Lampung branch of the Hukatan SBSI union had its application for registration rejected, even though it represented 25 per cent of the workers in the company PT Wika Beton. The reason its application was rejected was because there was an existing “in house” union. Similarly, an application for registration by Garteks in Majalengka West Java was refused, even though it represents 100 of the 800 workers at PT. Bintang Baru Sukses (a manufacturing company that produces men’s underwear). Garteks’ application with respect to its members at PT Jaba Garmindo in Majalengka was also refused, even though Gartek represents 200 workers at that company.

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