Indonesia - Union members dismissed for striking (2011)

Beginning on 24 June, PT Oceanias Timber Products (PT OTP) unilaterally changed the policy on annual, maternity and menstruation leave. PT OTP workers, represented by the Federation of Wood, Forestry and Agriculture Union (PKF- Hukatan) Affiliated to Confederation of Indonesia, objected to the change and informed the company that the changes violated labour laws. As tensions on the leave issue heightened, PT OPT informed workers on 15 July that anyone who engaged in a strike against the company would be considered to have resigned. When workers called off the strike on 19 July, PT OPT conditioned the workers’ return to work on signing a letter of apology. PT OPT also subjected union workers to various forms of discrimination and retaliation for engaging in the strike. PT OPT made false allegations of theft against union member Ms. Lisnawata on 21 July. On 20 August, PT OTP laid off Ms. Lisnawata and three other union members. The case was pending at the time the report was released.

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