Pakistán - Dalit cotton picker tortured to death, sparking protests (2011)

On 16 November, Roop Chand Bheel, a Bheel (Dalit) cotton picker, was tortured and then set on fire at the instigation of a landlord. He was accused of stealing 25kg cotton. He later died in hospital after struggling with his life for four days. Scores of Bheel (Hindu Dalit) community people carrying his body held a demonstration outside the press club while others protested at the police office demanding the arrest of the landlord. Police have reportedly arrested three men but not the landlord due to his reported influence.

Over 60% of the workforce is engaged in cotton sector, but agricultural workers including cotton workers are not recognised as workers by the labour law. As such they do not have the right to form a union and negotiate collectively, nor do they have the right to appeal to labour courts in disputes.

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