Ucrania - Draft law no. 5388 would empower employers to impose conditions of employment unilaterally

Ukrainian unions denounce draft law no. 5388, which was prepared and tabled in the parliament without proper consultation with trade unions. The bill proposes to allow for inclusion of additional provisions in the national legislation regulating the employment relationship, including elimination of the requirement of trade union consent to dismissal of workers at the employer’s initiative, and minimisation of the level of trade union influence on the determination of working conditions at the workplace.
The proposal would give employers the power, unilaterally, to dismiss workers, which would invite discrimination and retaliation against workers for trade union activity or membership, whistleblowers and other workers who exercise their human rights. The bill would also empower employers to impose key terms and conditions of employment, that is, to unilaterally regulate matters that should be subject to collective bargaining. This bill is clearly contrary to the fundamental principles of freedom of association and collective bargaining.

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