Tailandia - Government gives training on union surveillance (2011)

In a document presented to employers at a management roundtable on 23 September in Rayong Province, the Deputy Commander of Rayong Provincial Police presented procedures for both the police and employers to follow in labour disputes. The document advised employers to have closed-circuit surveillance cameras (CCTV) to monitor employee meeting places and, in the event of a labour dispute, to use the system to record worker activities. The procedures also direct employers to set up a command centre to observe workers and deploy guards if there is a labour dispute. The procedures state both uniformed and plainclothes police will be assigned to all demonstrations and the police will videotape and photograph worker activities. If workers hold a peaceful public protest, employers are requested to provide background information on leaders and the names of those joining the rally. The procedures further state that the police will provide a negotiation team to work in conjunction with an employer’s team provided in negotiations with the workers. Lastly, if police file a court petition to restrict the actions of strikers, the procedures require employers to assign legal counsel to work with police on the petition. Rayong Province includes the large Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate with over 220 auto assembly and parts manufacturing plants.

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