Indonesia - Indonesian trade unionist assaulted

Khamid Istakhori, general secretary of Federasi SERBUK, was physically assaulted during a peaceful protest against the Omnibus Bill for Job Creation. The assault occurred at the Simpang Tiga PT Tanjung Enim Lestari (PT TEL) on 26 August.
The peaceful workers’ protest organised by KPBI South Sumatera and Federasi SERBUK in Muara Enim, Indonesia, became violent when company management personnel began to assault the workers.
Mr Istakhori’s attacker was part of the PT TEL management team led by Hendri Gunawan, who arrived at the protest site to inquire about the intent of the protest action. The unionists said that the management’s presence flared up emotions and created unnecessary tensions.
SERBUK reported that Istakhori tried to intervene, negotiate with Gunawan and diffuse the tension. However, he was attacked by company personnel. As a result, he suffered bruises and wounds on his face and was hospitalised. Istakhori is currently experiencing dizziness, nausea and headaches.

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