Kazajstán - Kharkova, Eleusinov and Kushakbayev still cannot engage in trade union activities

The restrictions imposed by the court sentence on the freedom of the former KNPRK leader Larisa Nilolayvna Kharkova expired on 9 November 2021. However, she is still banned from holding leadership positions in non-governmental and other non-commercial organisations. The term of this sanction was imposed by the Court of the Enbekshinsky District of the South Kazakhstan Region on 25 July 2017, expiring on 5 October 2022. Kharkova was unable to open a settlement account in any of the Kazakhstan banks, as her personal bank account is still blocked; this blocking of her account was imposed in the course of the examination of the criminal case against her.
In a similar way, the former activist of the Sectoral Fuel and Energy Workers Union, Amin Eleusinov, who was convicted in 2017 and in May 2018 released early from serving a prison sentence, is still banned from holding leadership positions in non-governmental organisations until 2022.
The former leader of the Sectoral Fuel and Energy Workers Union, Nurbek Kushakbayev, who was convicted in 2017 for calling on others to join the alleged illegal strike, has completed his prison sentence. However, he feels unable to resume his trade union work.

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