Corea, República de - National Intelligence Service instrumental in moves to outlaw teachers’ union

Disturbing reports emerged in May that the National Intelligence Service (NIS) was behind the attempts to strip the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU) of its official status. On 26 May, the Korean daily newspaper Hankyoreh acquired a transcript of remarks and instructions made by then-NIS Director Won Sei-hoon on 18 February 2011. “Branch directors should work with the superintendents of schools, or the vice superintendents [public servants with the Ministry of Education] if the superintendents seem to be left-leaning [. . .] to leaning [. . .] to make sure that disciplinary measures are taken against teachers who are members of the Democratic Labour Party in line with the previous ruling. It looks like we’re going to have to turn the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union into an illegal union.” Won, who made the remarks at a monthly meeting with NIS department heads, wanted branch directors to punish teachers in the KTU and to make an effort to strip the KTU of its official status. He instructed the directors to work directly with conservative superintendents and with officials with the Ministry of Education to prevent the NIS’s involvement from coming to light.

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