Corea, República de - Ssangyong suicides after strike action continuex (2012)

A study conducted by Green Hospital on 193 workers affected by restructuring at Ssangyong reported a post-traumatic stress disorder occurrence rate of 52.3 %, while around 80% showed signs of severe depression. The findings come after a major 2009 strike when most workers involved in the strike saw a sharp reduction in their monthly salary. Union officials report that thousands of ex Ssangyong workers are under extreme stress stemming from the loss of their jobs.

Ssangyong laid off around 2,600 workers after an expected takeover by the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. in January 2009 failed after the company went bankrupt. Workers were asked to either take a one year unpaid leave or to resign. In May, the union at Ssangyong and management agreed on a tentative wage deal, providing a raise in wages. However, some 450 workers who took 12 months of unpaid leave are still waiting to be rehired as promised by the company in 2009. The laid-off workers are demanding the company to keep its promise, but the company says it is not yet ready despite a promise to rehire them once sales had recovered within a year.

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