Pakistán - Tear gas and arrests as civil servants demand pay rise

Police fired tear gas in an attempt to disperse a protest demonstration by government employees on 10 February in Islamabad. The protest was organised by the All Government Employees Grand Alliance (AGEGA) in support of their demands for higher pay and better pensions.
The protesters attempted to march from D-Chowk Square to Parliament House but were stopped by a heavy police deployment. After the tear gas was fired, clashes ensued, and the police arrested the AGEGA leader, Rehman Bajwa, and 26 other protesters.
The government did agree to meet with the protesters, however, and negotiate their demands. The following day a government negotiating committee signed an agreement with the AGEGA that included a 25 per cent increase in both salaries and pensions, the merging of allowances, and pay scale upgrades.
The changes were due to come into force by 1 November, but nothing materialised. The union announced it was to start a fresh protest drive on 16 November.

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