Hong Kong (RAE - China) - Trade union activity constantly disrupted and obstructed

Hong Kong police used the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gatherings) Regulation to ban the 2021 May Day rally, advance notice of which was given by the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU). Between May and August 2021, the HKCTU, the Hospital Authority Employees’ Alliance (HAEA), the General Union of Hong Kong Speech Therapists (GUHKST) and other unions were harassed and members were cordoned off, required to show ID, photographed and videotaped or ticketed by police officers to disrupt all efforts at communicating trade union messages to the public by setting up street booths. Similarly trade unions organising member-exclusive screenings of films were requested by the Office for Films, Newspapers and Articles Administration to provide details and approvals.

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