Camboya - Union head warned over factory protest

On 1 July 2020, the Ministry of Labour (MoLVT) issued a warning letter to the CATU president for her alleged role in organising a protest by workers from the Violet Apparel factory in Sen Sok district, Phnom Penh, on the same day. Hundreds of workers protested at the factory, demanding benefits from the company, which has declared bankruptcy.
The letter said that the union president incited factory workers to illegally threaten and pressure employers and that the protest caused traffic congestion. The Ministry’s Department of Labour dispute director also said that the president had forced employees to protest to achieve individual objectives and that the protest contradicted the Covid-19 prevention measures. He said that if the president did not stop her actions, she would be sued and face the law.
The CCU president said she did not incite or push workers into illegal acts, as they were demanding the benefits they were legally entitled to. She reaffirmed she would continue protecting the rights of workers. The factory had suspended workers in May. On 25 June, Violet Apparel had declared bankruptcy and promised to provide benefits by 1 July. However, they then decided to give fewer benefits and not pay until 6 July, leaving many workers without any means to provide for their subsistence and that of their families.

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