Pakistán - Victimisation of trade unionists at State Life Insurance Company

In 2019, the government declared the Pakistan State Life Insurance Corporation (SLIC) an essential service. By doing so, they placed it under the 1952 Essential Services (Maintenance) Act, which has been frequently invoked to curtail union organising and bargaining activities in Pakistan, a tactic strongly criticised by the ILO.
In February, the company dismissed 100 workers as part of its privatisation plans, which triggered protests by the Federation of Field Workers Association (FFWA) and the Pakistan Bank Insurance Employees’ Federation (PBIFEF). 
It was following these protests that the government then declared that SLIC performs an essential service, allowing the company to restrict trade union activities.
Local management then suspended five trade union officials and sent a letter to staff warning that all trade union activity must stop. The National Industrial Relations Court (NIRC) ordered their reinstatement, but the company ignored the court decision and instead engaged in a blatant attack on workers and an anti-union campaign.

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